Discover Your Unique Path to Well-Being

What is Integrative Health Coaching?

  • Integrative means whole-person; mind, body, and spirit.

  • According to the World Health Organization, health indicates one’s state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infermity.

  • Coaching is a process of improving health, vitality, and well-being by engaging and discovering personal insight, strengths, and resources through and empowering dialogue and partnership.

Simply put…

As an Integrative Health Coach, I offer personalized coaching to support individuals toward optimal health and well-being using a holistic approach and modalities. I support clients in cultivating self-awareness, self-compassion, and feelings of agency to make positive lifestyle changes and achieve sustainable health goals. Want to learn more?


Integrative Health Coaching

Integrative Health Coaching is a collaborative and individualized approach to navigating health and wellness that embraces whole well-being, incorporating the connection between your mind, body, and spirit.

Through my 1:1 coaching offerings, we will co-discover practical solutions tailored to your unique needs and values, using a solutions-focused approach. Your aspirations will be at the forefront as we guide you toward positive changes and build agency and self-trust. Together, we will work towards a healthier, more harmonious, and happier you.

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Guided Imagery

This powerful practice combined with Reiki energy healing, taps into the unlimited potential of your imagination combined with proven relaxation techniques to provide in-the-moment relief.

In our one-hour session, you will be guided through a series of soothing visualizations and mental exercises designed to calm your mind and relax your body.

Through this practice, you will be able to release tension, restore balance, and find a renewed sense of peace within yourself.

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The beautiful experience of being coached by Casey feels like a facilitated exploration of self. I had to take agency of what’s best for me and to start making choices that aligned with that truth. I learned more than anything through this process that I am responsible for my life and how I approach each day and the care with which I walk through this world—those are my decisions. ”
— Lindie, New Orleans
— Lindie, New Orleans


My goal with these offerings is to support people toward personal healing and growth.

Through years of deep self-exploration, healing, and studying integrative approaches, I am able to share a wealth of tools for self-awareness, befriending the uncomfortable, and unique self-compassion and care, which are foundational to health, and well-being.

As a coach and practitioner, my primary goal is to empower clients to release the barriers that obstruct their well-being. I help individuals identify and release what is in the way of their fullest, most harmonious expression of self. I am dedicated to guiding individuals toward sustainable integration with all the parts of themselves.

I aim to cultivate individualized, balanced, and supportive well-being and healing in partnership with my clients, and am inspired by the ripple effect healing can have on individuals, their communities, and the greater collective.


Disclaimer: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Casey Hagerman is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.