Guided imagery

Connect to Your Inner Guide

Through Guided Imagery practitioner, Reiki, and Integrative Health Coaching, I gently hold space for clients to enter a subconscious, empowered space of relaxation to access their deeper wisdom. Clients leave the session with insight and greater agency to support their well-being.


I will guide you to identify areas of focus and then gently to a subconscious, empowered space of relaxation to access your deeper wisdom.

By pairing Reiki energy healing with meditation, individuals can tune into the magic of their own imagination and wisdom, experiencing a deep sense of relaxation and calm.

During a guided imagery session, individuals are encouraged to close their eyes, slow their breathing, and tune into their inner thoughts and sensations. Through my guidance, they are then led on a mental journey where they can fully immerse themselves in a healing experience towards their area of focus.

Sessions can be ongoing or singular. We can work towards a goal, practice relaxation, or to provide relief for acute moments of stress or confusion.

Reserve a Guided Imagery session to tap your inner wisdom and connection to self.


“Casey’s guidance helped me access communication with my body that I had been feeling so close to, but just couldn’t quite settle into on my own.”

— Lilia, Fairfax, CA

“Casey’s work allowed me to relax, and then access and work of relieving my severe body pain.”

— Amy, San Francisco, CA


  1. Stress Management—Guided imagery triggers the relaxation response, reducing heart rate, blood pressure, and overall physiological stress.

  2. Alleviate Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression—Guided imagery has been found to have a positive impact on mental health by providing a sense of inner peace, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging the exploration of positive emotions and coping strategies.

  3. Enhance Physical Healing and Recovery—By visualizing the body's natural healing processes, individuals can strengthen their connection with their physical self, potentially promoting faster recovery from injury or illness.

  4. Develop a More Optimistic Mindset—By focusing on what they desire, individuals can improve their self-confidence, motivation, and overall outlook on life.

  5. Goal Setting and Personal Development—Guided imagery can be particularly beneficial enabling individuals to visualize success and stay motivated in achieving their objectives.

  6. Promote a Deeper and More Restorative Sleep—One of the primary benefits of guided imagery for sleep is its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety.


Virtual Session

60 min : $99

In-Person Session + Reiki (Bay Area)

60 min : $123

*Virtual sessions available via phone or Zoom

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