Integrative Health Coaching

Integrative Health Coaching for Optimal Well-being

As an Integrative Health Coach, I work with women who are experiencing disharmony in their lives to discover agency and embody their powerful selves through a 1:1 collaborative partnership anchored in holistic, individualized wellness.

Coaching serves as a valuable resource for those seeking optimized well-being. Life is complicated and full of demands and distractions. Your well-being is deserving of your energy and attention. You are worthy of having the time and space to connect with your health, values, dreams, and needs. And as social beings, we need support. Integrative health is a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're struggling with chronic health conditions, desiring to enhance your overall well-being, or seeking support during a significant life transition, my coaching offers support, guidance, and empowerment on your journey to improved health and wellness.

As a coach, I assist individuals in finding clarity and direction during times of personal change. Through our work together, clients connect to their inner agency, learn self-compassion, and develop self-trust, which is vital to sustainable change.

Through mindfulness and deep exploration, clients develop a clear path forward toward their goals and desires. My role is as a supportive resource and partner in self-discovery, as we address whole-person well-being towards sustainable healing and thriving.

How We Can Work Together:

1:1 Breakthrough Session (60 min): Walk away with clarity for your next steps in this powerful a-la-carte coaching option.

Foundational Mastery Coaching (60 min bi-weekly for 3 months): For those who are ready to commit to building a strong foundation of change, starting from inner knowing. Starting with a Breakthrough Session (above), and followed by five 60 min sessions, and actionable goals, we will align around your life vision, values, goals, and actions to leave you with a clearer direction around how to care for your life, health, and well-being. In our co-creation of sessions, Guided Imagery may be incorporated as well.

Book a FREE consultation to see if coaching is right for you.

Benefits of Integrative Health Coaching:

  • Increase life satisfaction

  • Increase agency, clarity sense of direction

  • Increase self-awareness

  • Gain support and a teammate

  • Discover strengths and values

  • Experience nervous system healing

  • Cultivate self-compassion, confidence, trust, and knowledge

  • Adopt life-enhancing sustainable behavior change

  • Learn tools for ongoing personal health and wellness

  • Create balance and identify support

Who is Integrative Health Coaching for?

1. Individuals with Chronic Health Conditions
Integrative health coaching can be particularly beneficial for individuals living with chronic health conditions. Whether you're managing diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, or any other long-term ailment, skilled health coaches can help you navigate the challenges associated with your condition. Coaches can provide support, education, and practical strategies to optimize your lifestyle choices, such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and self-care.

2. Those Seeking Wellness Enhancement
Integrative health coaching is also an invaluable tool for individuals who wish to take a proactive approach to enhancing their overall wellness. Regardless of whether you currently have health issues, health coaches can guide you in setting realistic goals and establishing sustainable habits that contribute to your well-being. From personalized nutrition plans to stress reduction techniques, a health coach can help you identify areas for improvement and create a roadmap for achieving your goals.

3. Individuals Navigating Life Transitions
Life transitions, such as career changes, divorce, or retirement, can often be overwhelming and impact our overall well-being. Integrative health coaching offers support during these transitional periods by providing a nurturing and empowering environment. Health coaches can help you develop resilience, cope with stress, set new goals, and create a holistic self-care routine as you navigate the challenges that arise during these significant life changes.

4. Those Seeking Mind-Body Connection
Integrative health coaching recognizes the undeniable connection between the mind and body. Therefore, it is an excellent choice for individuals who wish to cultivate a stronger mind-body connection. Health coaches can guide you through practices such as mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and yoga to help foster this connection. By incorporating these practices into your life, you may experience enhanced mental clarity, reduced stress, improved emotional well-being, and increased self-awareness.

5. Anyone Committed to a Holistic Approach to Wellness
Ultimately, integrative health coaching is suitable for anyone committed to embracing a holistic approach to wellness.


1:1 Breakthrough Session

60 min: $115

Foundational Mastery Coaching

3 months (60 min bi-weekly): $650

Ready to start? Have questions?